Dry Ice Blasting Cleaning Blog

Case Study: When the Going Gets Sticky, the Sticky Turn to Dry Ice Blasting

There are plenty of tough cleaning jobs in a manufacturing plant, but there are none stickier than trying to remove years’ worth of build-up on a machine that coats giant sheets of laminate with glue.… Read more

Dry Ice Cleaning for Allergen-Free Food Production: Clean Doesn’t Begin to Cover It

Among the most demanding standards of clean in any industry is the cleaning required for food production and processing equipment and facilities. Routine cleaning in this environment is tough enough, but when switching from products… Read more

Dry Ice Cleaning for Combustible Dust

Hard-to-reach spaces in manufacturing facilities pose more than ordinary cleaning challenges. When combustible dust accumulates, there is an explosion hazard as well. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), combustible dust is described… Read more

What Goes Up Must Get Cleaned: The Dirty Facts about Escalator Cleaning

Things can get pretty sticky in the escalator business. Dirty handrails are easily wiped down. It’s the treads beneath your feet where the real cleaning expertise comes into play. Escalators are subjected to every kind… Read more

What’s Hiding in Your Ceiling?

Ceilings and rafters can house dust, grime, grease, and other contaminants that jeopardize the quality – and safety – of your products. Dry ice blasting provides a fast, thorough, water-free and environmentally friendly solution for… Read more