Dry Ice Blasting Cleaning Blog

Dry Ice Blasting Provides the Right Touch for Restoration of Original Tin Ceiling

Classic American tin ceilings can be the crown jewel of a historic restoration project, but salvaging the fragile plates of stamped metal from beneath layers of lead paint can be challenging. Traditional blasting methods can… Read more
Lead paint removal for historic restoration

Petrochemical & Power Plant Needs Drive Gulf Coast Expansion for Polar Clean

With special expertise serving the petrochemical and power generation industries, Polar Clean is expanding its footprint along the Gulf Coast. With the relocation of team members from our Indiana headquarters, along with a planned investment… Read more
Oil refinery

“The Best Paint Prep” a Paint Rep Had Ever Seen: Below Decks Paint Removal Project Leaves Lakeside Vessel Ready for its Makeover

When a docked construction and excavation barge needed a new coat of paint below decks, the project manager turned to Polar Clean. With 30,000 square feet of wall, ceiling and floor panels covered in multiple… Read more
Construction barge

Case Study: Safely Blasting 340,000 Square Feet of Lead Paint without Water

Learn how a combination of dry ice and sponge blasting safely removed lead paint for the restoration of a new police headquarters When one of the world’s biggest contractors took on the job of restoring… Read more
Lead paint removal

New Guide: Innovative Blasting Solutions for Manufacturers

In the manufacturing industry, finding the right cleaning solution for equipment and facilities can be as complex as the machinery and other applications it’s intended for. Our new guide, Your Guide to Blasting Solutions for… Read more
Manufacturing facility

New Guide: Blasting & Cleaning Best Practices for Power Plants

Few industrial cleaning projects are as challenging as keeping gas and steam turbines, HRSGs, SCR catalysts, and other power generation equipment clean and free of buildup and debris. From safety risks to the potential for… Read more
Outside view of factory

Dry Ice Blasting Reduces Substation Watt Loss & Reduces Flashover Risk

Polar Clean’s sister company, US Cleanblast, used dry ice blasting to clean a PSEG substation, improving before-and-after watt loss testing by 40-50%, and improved transformer testing by 30% at a PECO substation. And, when the… Read more
Substation workers

Dry Ice Blasting Results Leave Baby Formula Manufacturer Clean, Safe & Inspection Ready

There’s no end to the list of cleaning challenges that manufacturers face, but oh baby, there are few as sensitive as cleaning the production areas where infant formula is made. The method and processes have… Read more
Baby drinking formula milk

Case Study: Ceiling Paint Removal for a Beverage Manufacturer

Hard Tea & Hard Deadlines: Polar Clean Steps in Where Other Blasting Companies Take a Hard Pass When the maker of a popular brand of hard iced tea needed a solution for a flaking ceiling… Read more
Conveyor Line

Dry Ice Blasting Leaves Toll Booth Plazas Clean with Little Disruption

When state highway authorities wanted to bring down the shine of Indiana’s toll booths to prevent glare that could impact visibility, they decided on an anti-reflective vinyl covering. To ensure good adhesion of the vinyl… Read more
Toll booth

Dry Ice, Sponge & Abrasive Blasting: A Comparison

Learn Which One or Combination Is Right for Your Commercial or Industrial Challenge Commercial and industrial cleaning projects are often a highly customized undertaking. What works in one setting is not appropriate in another. The… Read more
Worker in a confined space

New Guide: Blasting Solutions for Restoration Projects

Commercial, industrial and historic restoration cleaning projects pose a wide array of challenging scenarios, beginning with identifying the right method and approach. Our new guide, Blasting Solutions for Restoration Projects, provides an overview of the… Read more

Pet Food Production Cleaning Done Right

With the U.S. market for pet food and treats expected to hit nearly $63 billion this year, pet food manufacturers don’t have the luxury of much downtime. Keeping up with the demand for all that… Read more
Dog biscuits

Premium Plant Services Expands Its Reach with Strategic Acquisition of Polar Clean

Integration of Polar Clean with full-service industrial cleaning leader will bring expanded service and reach to Polar Clean customers as part of Premium’s push to position itself as the nation’s leading industrial service provider. Premium… Read more
Premium Plant Services logo

Industrial Cleaning & Blasting for Impossible Jobs

What do grime-caked historic buildings, petrochemical reactor tubes and salt mines have in common? They’re all “impossible” to clean by the standards of most industrial cleaning companies – too fragile, inaccessible, or water-sensitive for ordinary… Read more
Salt mine

Case Study: Refinery Replaces Hand-Cleaning with Dry Ice Blasting

Learn why one refinery turnaround crew happily relinquished their wire brushes in favor of a much faster and effective cleaning solution Few cleaning jobs are as difficult as keeping the inside of a petroleum reactor… Read more
Oil refinery

Best Practices for Paint Removal on Brick & Concrete

Whether you're the proud owner of a vintage property cloaked under layers of paint accumulated over the years, or a contractor working to revive a brick or concrete structure to its original allure, you’ve got… Read more
Removing paint from a brick

Dry Ice Blasting for Cleaning Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Systems

Attached to equipment that includes gas turbines and boilers, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems can significantly reduce the amount of toxic nitrogen oxide (NOx) created by power plants – removing 90% to 100% of NOx… Read more
Outside view of factory

For Time Savings & White Glove-Clean Turbines, Dry Ice Blasting Reigns Supreme

When it comes to keeping natural gas turbines clean and operating at peak capacity, much is at stake for power plants. Tiny deficiencies in improperly maintained and under-inspected machines can lead to inefficiencies, broken blades,… Read more
Installation of a gas turbine

New Guide: Why Use Dry Ice Blasting?

At first glance, hardened deposits on heat exchanger tube bundles, fire-damaged ceiling joists and glue-covered laminate machines may seem to have little in common. Look deeper, though, and you’ll uncover a common thread: each scenario… Read more
Why Use Dry Ice Blasting Guide

Dry Ice Blasting for Fire Restoration Featured in Restoration & Remediation Magazine

Restoration companies who have discovered the advantages of dry ice blasting for cleaning the soot and stains that fires leave behind cite its effectiveness for delicate surfaces, speed and mess-free application. Two restoration company professionals… Read more
Dry Ice Blasting Fire Damage Before & After

Historic South Bend Armory Restoration Gets the Polar Clean Touch

On the east bank of South Bend, overlooking the St. Joseph River and across the street from the city’s Farmers Market, there stands a tidy, chimney-stacked, red brick building. The building is (most recently) called… Read more

How Dry Ice Blasting Restored an Apartment Building Pummeled by Dual Blazes

When an electrical fire damaged the left side of a 12-unit apartment building in southern Indiana in 2021, residents and responders likely thought the worst was behind them. But before the restoration was completed, a… Read more
Fire Restoration

Dry Ice Blasting for CNC Machines

CNC machines are something of a paradox; they marry two things that theoretically shouldn’t co-mingle but end up working together in perfect harmony: delicate electrical components and the hallmarks of heavy industry, including drill heads,… Read more
CNC Machine

Case Study: Dry Ice Blasts Away the Years in Service to a Centuries Old Craft

Time, quality and attention to detail are the hallmarks of craft. And where you find one form of craft, you are likely to find others surrounding it. That’s why Kentucky’s premier distilleries rely on the… Read more

How Is Dry Ice Blasting Priced?

Types of materials, square footage, timing, location, and more can influence the cost of dry ice blasting. Here’s what to know. Do you struggle with the tedious work of hand-cleaning your facilities or equipment? Is… Read more
Dry Ice Pricing

Dry Ice Blasting for Petrochemical & Refinery Cleaning Challenges

There’s no easy way to clean a refinery or petrochemical plant: tight spaces, delicate equipment, and limited opportunities for shutting down means these facilities often go a long time between cleaning, if they get cleaned… Read more
Petrochemical Facility

Dry Ice Cleaning for Combustible Dust

Hard-to-reach spaces in manufacturing facilities pose more than ordinary cleaning challenges. When combustible dust accumulates, there is an explosion hazard as well. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), combustible dust is described… Read more

Lead-Based Paint Removal for a Historic Building While in Use

Constructed in 1934, the U.S. Post Office and Courthouse in Lexington, Kentucky required a new paint job to reverse 85 years of exposure to elements and to restore the exterior to its stately origins. It… Read more

Dry Ice & Abrasive Blasting for Paint Preparation

Paint preparation often requires the removal of years – or even decades – of grime, debris and rust, in addition to old layers of flaking and peeling paint. Historical renovation work and the presence of… Read more

Polar Clean Restores the Beauty of Studebaker Fountain

The Studebaker Electric Fountain has a rich history. A gift from John M. Studebaker installed in Howard Park in 1906, this elaborate South Bend fountain fell into disrepair and was dismantled in 1941. The fountain’s… Read more

Dry Ice Blasting for Power Plant Electrical Components

Some of the most challenging cleaning jobs in a power generation facilities are the smallest. When dust and grime collect around the most delicate electrical equipment, like control panels and circuit boards, some plant operators… Read more

Should You Perform Your Own Dry Ice Blasting?

When you see the results that dry ice blasting can achieve – peeling away layers of grime, soot, and every manner of caked-on debris with no water, no chemicals, and no mess – it can… Read more

What Goes Up Must Get Cleaned: The Dirty Facts about Escalator Cleaning

Things can get pretty sticky in the escalator business. Dirty handrails are easily wiped down. It’s the treads beneath your feet where the real cleaning expertise comes into play. Escalators are subjected to every kind… Read more

Case Study: Polar Clean Dry Ice Blasting a Key Ingredient in Food Manufacturer’s Safety Protocols

Consumers must put a lot of trust into food ingredient labels to avoid allergens and meet dietary restrictions. Preventing cross-contamination of ingredients on the manufacturing floor where different foods are processed is a critical health… Read more

Case Study: When the Going Gets Sticky, the Sticky Turn to Dry Ice Blasting

There are plenty of tough cleaning jobs in a manufacturing plant, but there are none stickier than trying to remove years’ worth of build-up on a machine that coats giant sheets of laminate with glue.… Read more

Case Study: Dry Ice Blasting Makes Short Work of High-Proof Job at Kentucky Distillery

Whiskey distilleries practice a methodical art that combines carefully curated recipes, charred oak barrels and a process that takes its sweet time. It’s an incredibly meticulous undertaking, so when a venerable Kentucky distillery discovered that… Read more

Case Study: A Day in the Salt Mines Leaves Dry Ice Blasting the Winner vs. Manual Chiseling of Hardened Build-Up

At Polar Clean, it’s not an exaggeration to say that the results we achieve for our clients in places like power plants, oil refineries, manufacturing facilities, and historic restoration sites can be dramatic. Years –… Read more
Dry Ice Blasting for a Salt Mine

Case Study: Dry Ice Blasting at a Starbucks Coffee Roasting Plant

When Starbucks needed two of their 5′ x 5′ and 65′ high coffee bean silos cleaned because of a coffee bean jam, they turned to Polar Clean for dry ice (CO2) blasting services. The Polar… Read more
Coffee Roasting Plant Dry Ice Blasting Silo

What’s Hiding in Your Ceiling?

Ceilings and rafters can house dust, grime, grease, and other contaminants that jeopardize the quality – and safety – of your products. Dry ice blasting provides a fast, thorough, water-free and environmentally friendly solution for… Read more

Dry Ice Cleaning for Allergen-Free Food Production: Clean Doesn’t Begin to Cover It

Among the most demanding standards of clean in any industry is the cleaning required for food production and processing equipment and facilities. Routine cleaning in this environment is tough enough, but when switching from products… Read more

Dry Ice Blasting of Industrial Motors

Did you know that electric motors account for up to 80% of all available electric energy used by an industrial site? Or that electric motors waste up to 50% of electric energy due to inefficient… Read more
Industrial Motor Dry Ice Cleaning

Brick & Masonry Cleaning with Dry Ice Blasting

Prized for its effectiveness at cleaning industrial equipment like turbines, SCR catalysts, HRSG units, reactor tubes, and motors, dry ice blasting is also an ideal method of restoring brick and masonry. Busy building owners, general… Read more
Brick & Masonry Dry Ice Cleaning

Dry Ice Blasting for Safe & Effective Method of HRSG Tube Cleaning

For HRSG tubes, dry ice blasting offers a safe, efficient, effective, and rust-free alternative to more time-consuming and costly methods of cleaning. Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) tubes often become fouled with sulfur, salt, corrosion,… Read more
HRSG Dry Ice Cleaning

Case Study: Manufacturing Facility Restoration with Dry Ice Blasting

A new startup manufacturer recently purchased a 40-year-old, 300,000 square foot facility that was formerly used as an automotive foundry – with walls, ceiling and rafters blackened by graphite, chemical build-up, dirt, and grime. Our… Read more

Dry Ice Blasting for More Effective Cleaning of Reactor Tube IDs & Heat Exchange Systems

For refineries, dry ice blasting provides a faster and more effective method of cleaning both the interior of reactor tubes and heat exchange system exteriors while reducing cost, liability, downtime, and more. Maintaining the cleanliness… Read more
Reactor Tube Dry Ice Blasting

Dry Ice Blasting Restores Historic Union Terminal

Gentle Cleaning Removes the Grime but Leaves the Years Intact Once a bustling Cincinnati train station that was filled to nearly five times its capacity during World War II as soldiers left and returned from… Read more
Union Terminal Dry Ice Blasting by Polar Clean

Automated Interior Diameter Tube Cleaning Research with Dry Ice Blasting Underway

Learn how Polar Clean’s ongoing collaboration with university researchers is yielding improvement in the process for automating the cleaning of interior tube diameters with dry ice. For many years, dry ice blasting has been used… Read more
Heat Exchanger ID Tube Cleaning

Case Study: Dry Ice Cleaning Restores Fire Damaged Cathedral Ceiling to Full Beauty

When a man splashed 10 gallons of gasoline into the Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Ocala, Florida, and ignited it in July 2020, churchgoers escaped but the church was left with extensive damage. Afterward,… Read more
Church Restoration

The Advantages of Cleaning SCR Catalysts with Sponge Blasting

Good flow and distribution, a good ammonia-to-NOx balance, and maximum catalyst surface area for NOx and mercury oxidation are key to achieving maximum catalyst efficiency in a selective catalyst reduction (SCR) unit in power plants.… Read more
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Unit Cleaning with Sponge Blasting

The Most Effective Gas Turbine Cleaning Available: Dry Ice Blasting

Power generation professionals know that natural gas turbines require proper cleaning to maintain peak performance. But the pressure to keep these turbines running can lead to deferred cleaning, unexpected and expensive downtime and reduced efficiency.… Read more
Gas Turbine Dry Ice Cleaning & Blasting

The Right Recipe and Key Ingredients are Essential to Producing a Quality Food Product

The same is true for building a superior service company to deliver world class engineered cleaning solutions. Polar Clean has three key components to our successful strategy: Safety & Risk Management Expertise Dry Ice Expertise… Read more
Key Ingredients are Essential to Producing a Quality Food Product

Delivering Excellence Through the Most Effective Technology Available

When it Comes to Delivering Excellence Through the Selection and Deployment of the Most Effective Technology Available, No One is Better than Polar Clean. The key to our high quality service results is in our… Read more
Delivering Excellence Through Effective Technology

Polar Clean has Engineered Cleaning Solutions for Coffee Roasting Plants

When your customers sit down at their favorite café and enjoy your coffee, they may be experiencing the impact of Polar Clean’s specialized services to the coffee roasting industry. Long before you and your customers… Read more
Engineered Cleaning Solutions for Coffee Roasting Plant